AWUNZ with the historical relationship between the respective Drivers Unions in the South Island and AWUNZ that resulted in Amalgamation of the Southland and Otago Drivers Union to AWUNZ and the joining of Canterbury Drivers to AWUNZ, the synergy this grouping provided was most advantageous with the two major providers of public transport in Christchurch covered by similar collective agreements. Employment options are relativity solid in Christchurch, however Regional Councils policies relating to Route Service Contracts with respect to the tendering process have for many years been responsible for wage cutting within the industry, exploiting the value of a public transport bus driver and been responsible for recruitment issues , as the tender process, split shifts and unsuitable hours do not make for much of a work/life balance.
The industry is beset with regional rates and in recent times has become an industry that is now turning to foreign labour, this is a reflection of the behaviours of regional councils policies around tendering coupled with the issues that are industry based.
The sector retains a high concentration of union membership with active members and delegate structures.